App Concept
26% of adults in the United States live with a disability and 53% of those adults have a mobility-related disability. The most commonly used navigation solutions remain car-centric and are not always up-to-date. This shuts out a major audience. We believe that creating a solution that caters to the need of those with limited mobility will also create a solution that both disabled and non-disabled users can benefit from.
⌚ Timeframe
1 month
🗣️ Team
📦 Deliverables
Pitch deck
Key features
Route planning
The user is given full autonomy to plan and coordinate their route with filters and preferences.

Information tags
Users can mark and update markers for route information (i.e. uneven sidewalk, ramps, dimly lit, crowded, etc.)
Share route
The user can invite others from their contacts to join the route from their unique location and give company or assistance.
What we did
Team tasks
  • Gathered research from limited mobility users living in cities.
  • Synthesized research data into personas, user journeys, and action items.
  • Sketched, wireframed, and prototyped according to the style guide.
  • Tested our design with limited mobility users and determined future steps.
  • Checked product and presentation for accessibility.
My role
  • Facilitated monitored user research sessions with participants.
  • Defined the visual style guide and ensured all screens looked visually coherent.
  • Created high-fidelity designs and linked screens together for Person A flow.
  • Added to the presentation deck and edited it to meet accessibility standards.
Quick Sketches
Pitch deck
Our team made a fully accessible presentation to present our product and research findings.
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